My brother has been kind enough to give me an excellent deal on the rule book and three of the army books. So I should have them shortly.
For those of you who don't know what Field of Glory is, it is a miniatures game using 10-15mm figures representing armies from historical cultures spanning the time frame of 4000BC to AD 1500.
FOG, as it is known in the gaming circles, is very well supported by my FLGS, Great Hall Games, with plenty of opponents and a thriving map campaign.
So what army am I going to build? Well, I'm thinking of maybe starting with an ancient Britain list or maybe a Scots-Irish list. Something that would go up against the Romans easily. I am also planning on looking into the history of the Welsh and see what I can come up with there.
Of course I will eventually build an Early Imperial Roman legion, aka "movie" Romans. Or possibly some Hellenic hoplites, aka Greeks from the classical age meaning Alexander or earlier.
I am also up in the air about which scale to use. I can go 15mm or 10mm. If I go 15MM, I am used to the scale after building my US Infantry Company for Flames of War. And there are some superb models out there. For instance Corvus Belli make some beautiful sculpts.

Here are some Celt swordsmen.

and here are some Early Imperial Romans.
I am also thinking of 10mm figures, Magister Militum produces fine sculpts as well.

Here are some 10mm Early Imperial Romans.
The 15mm figs look nice as do the 10mm figs. My brother suggested I get a pack of the same type of troop and paint them up to see which I like best.
So that is what I will be doing over the fall and winter months before I dive into my next Flames of War army.